Seher Shah, Emergent Structures: Relative noise, Planar landscape and Capital mass, 2011
Graphite and gouache on paper
Triptych, 183 x 183 cm, 183 x 274 cm, 183 x 183 cm
The Language of Human Consciousness takes geometry as a starting point, accepting its heritage as a symbol of purity, intelligence and perfection and bringing it towards a more contemporary interpretation as a language for exploring the atypical, the imperfect and the alternative. Works are brought together that seek to dissect segments of times, contexts and places and open them up to universal interpretation. The works, in the potency of the contradiction between their infinite possibilities as geometric compositions and the range of their references – social, political, art historical or other - are reduced to a neutral ground: to a human and conceivable form.
Participating artists are Ricardo Alcaidie / Afruz Amighi / Rasheed Araeen / Dana Awartani / Marlon de Azambuja / Rana Begum / James Clar / Graham Day / Ayman Yossri Daydban / Richard Deacon / Adrian Esparza / Monir Shahroudy Farmanfarmaian / Mounir Fatimi / Basmah Felemban / Spencer Finch / Babak Golkar / Hazem Harb / Nargess Hashimi / Sahand Hesmayan / Saba Innab / Nadia Khawaja / Sol LeWitt / Hazem Mahdy / Sama Mara & Lee Westwood / Moataz Nasr / Timo Nasseri / Mujahidin Nurrahman / Seckin Pirim / Younes Rahmoun / Nasser Al Salem / Sara Salman / Gulay Semercioglu / Seher Shah / Gebran Tarazi / Michael John Whelan / Ralf Ziervogel.