Hale Tenger, The School of Sikimden Assa Kasimpasa, 1990
Galvanized sheet iron, lead, sword, tap, water, dye
Diameter 230 cm
Participating at DE-INTEGRATE YOURSELVES, Hale Tenger will be exhibiting her piece, The School of Sikimden Assa Kasimpasa, 1990, at the Third Berlin Autumn Salon.
Featuring art, theatre, performance and discourse in the city centre: from the Brandenburg Gate through the Kronzprinzenpalais to the Palais am Festungsgraben and in the GORKI itself, The 3. Berliner Herbstsalon (Third Berlin Autumn Salon) will serve as a public rehearsal for the rebellion against attributions, generalisations and simplifications. DE-INTEGRATE YOURSELVES showcases works from around 100 visual and performing artists who take a critical approach to the construction of identity and unity.