Hale Tenger, I Know People Like This III, 2013
Installation view at Arter, Istanbul
"Envy, Enmity, Embarrassment" is the second in the exhibition series that focuses on new productions scheduled to take place annually in Arter's programme. The three terms brought together in the title of the exhibition are used as keywords for expressing social, cultural and political memory within contemporary artistic discourse and initiate an intellectual process resulting in the creation and production of a series of new works. The exhibition aims to explore these three interconnected concepts that precede, follow and complete each other in a broad web of causality, in a wide perspective that incorporates diverse contexts ranging from political and social violence to the media; from careerist concerns and ambitions to gender politics; from potentialities of "friendship" and "solidarity" to "aggressive" and "destructive" drives.
In a world where hostility and conflicts between individuals and nations are deliberately provoked and war has become universalised, "Envy, Enmity, Embarrassment" questions the capacity of mankind to nourish and stage prospects of "friendship", "solidarity" and "co-existence" as well as "hostility", "greed for power" and "discrimination". While revisiting—although partially—the recent collective history, the exhibition explores destructive feelings—which we cautiously conceal and keep silenced as they are harmful not only to others but also to ourselves—as well as the traumas associated with them.
Artists: Selim Birsel, Hera Büyüktaşçıyan, CANAN, Aslı Çavuşoğlu, Merve Ertufan & Johanna Adebäck, Nilbar Güreş, Berat Işık, Şener Özmen, Yusuf Sevinçli, Erdem Taşdelen, Hale Tenger, Mahir Yavuz